
December 29, 2017

NX Conversion of Units for Parts and assemblies ( Metric to Inches or Vice-versa)

NX has a command line interface (CLI) Utility program for unit conversion in part and assemblies. [ug_convert_part.exe] is available under %UGII_ROOT_DIR% folder that fullymeets all user intents to convert units for a single part, assembly or all part in a folder or sub-folders. There is no other way to do it through GUI. Although, it may be a bit tedious for some but not too complex or technical.

To start doiing it, just navigate to [NX Tools] folder path as shown and Run [Command Prompt].  It would directly change  directory to UGII root and you can simply type the command name.

Type, [ug_convert_part.exe]  and hit enter.  Syntax options are displayed  on screen just above the command  line.

Syntax for convestion from Metric [mm] to Inches [in] is highlighted in the image below. 

After conversion is done, you can check file properties in NX application.

Syntax for Unit conversion of complete assembly including child parts at once. Unit for all part in assembly will change to in/mm with a warning message for the parts that are already in same units.

December 6, 2017

Rectification Request u/s 154(1) for Tax mismatch Only [ITR-1 Income from Salary (More than one employer)].

Abstract : 

TDS on Salary as deducted by three employers (due to Transfer Posting) during previous year, didn't exactly matched with ITR-1 claims for AY 2017-18. Although, Tax was deducted by the two previous employers and same is correctly shown in Form 26AS, but I didn't mention it correctly in my return. I forget to fill TDS details for previous employers and therefore,  tax deducted by them was not considered while processing the return. Tax demand is raised against the income with previous two employers.  It falls under 'apparent mistake in records' as tax is already deducted but not claimed in return. 

I filed a 'Rectification request for Tax mismatch Only' without changing any other data in my original return.

An e-mail from Income Tax CPC is Too Scary, isn't it !!
Nothing less than a nightmare to see a new email from '' in your inbox. Its hard to push down an unusual feeling of discomfort and nervousness that spontaneously runs through whole body, even though it might be a 'Normal' or confirmation message. Filling annual tax return is one of the tedious and awful tasks for me as well as most of us who are salaried employees. Nobody would ever want to see it again until next assessment.

This year, I too received an 'Intimation U/S 143(1)' for AY2017-18, showing a TDS mismatch under two sub-sections that eventually led to a demand for Net tax payable at Sr. no.-52. These are :
1. Interest Payable     ( Sr. no  33-36)
2. Pre-paid Taxes        ( Sr. no  38-42)

Its a bit tricky and cumbersome to calculate/verify an interest mismatch and even I don't care about it.  However, Item 2 could be related to a clerical error or invalid entries  or apparant mistakes while filing an income tax return. 

What mistakes Rectification Request ?

A rectification request under section 154(1) is allowed by the Income Tax Department for correcting mistakes when there is an apparent mistake in your Income Tax Return.

Under this section, you can rectify clerical, arithmetical mistakes, a mismatch in tax payments, inclusion of income chargeable under an incorrect heading, and even changes in your resident status. Further, there must be confirmation that the mistake is apparent from the records and it is not a mistake that requires debate, elaboration, investigation, etc.

What went wrong ?

had been transfered two times during previous year. Form 26AS  clearly shows the details of tax deducted by all three employers alongwith other deductions. This details must match with records uploaded in income tax return. However, I forget to mention these important details such as TAN number, Name, Amount paid and Tax deducted by two previous employers. 

What to do if there is Mismatch in ITR1 with Form 26AS ?

It makes sense to pay net amount against Demand Identification No (DIN), if Tax mismatch is only due to interest payable or you agree to the Tax demand. 
In both cases, just pay the tax and relax.


In case you find some error in the calculation sheet or mistakes apparent in records, you can file a rectification request online or should consult a qualified CA or good tax expert for further action. 

Given below is a manual from Income Tax official website, howeve it lacks some screenshot during the process and checking status after request submittion.
Rectification request can be raised after ITR is processed and intimation U/s 143(1) or order under section 154 is recieved by the taxpayer. Request for efiled return can be only be submitted online.

Step-by-Step process to raise a rectification request : 

Step-1 Log-in with your E-Filing credentials at Income Tax  eFiling website.

Step-2 Navigate to Menu item  e-File >  Rectification as shown below: 

Step-3 Enter PAN, Income Tax Returns , Assessment Year and CRN**  

**Communication Reference Number is avialable in intimation U/S 143(1).

Step-4 Select Rectification Request Type > 

Option -1_ Taxpayer is  Correcting Data for Tax Credit mismatch only

Select this option if you tax mismatch is due to a mistakes in TDS on Salary or Other than Salary and Self Assessement Tax (SAT) details. Here, you can add additional details for previous employers if forget to mention in return. 

'IT Details' check-box  is provided for correcttion in BSR code, Serial number of Challan , Date and amount of Tax deposit.

Option -2_ Taxpayer is  Correcting Data for Rectification

Tax payers can raise a request for rectification in data under specific schedules after selecting an appropriate reason from a given list of 22 items as applicable to in your case. 

In that case, tax payer has to select a reason from amon the listed 22 items, as well as needs to upload a revised xml file with selected schedule for data rectification.

Next, you need to select upload a select 'Schedules to be changed' and Upload a revised xml file. 

Option-3.  ‘No further Data Correction required. Reprocess the case’.

Lets get back to our original topic of Tax mismatch due to incorrect or mistakes in TDS filiing.

Step-5 Enter new data to correct mismatch.
Always keep in mind the following important points given in 'Intimation U/S 143(1) while entering data in the rectification request :
"Please note, before filing for rectification, cross check the tax credits information furnished by you with the Form 26AS."
"Please note that while filing rectification application all details of tax payments of that schedule have to be filled (including those which have also been already matched and allowed). As the new data overwrites the earlier data, any omission of tax payment data will result in disallowance of that of tax payment which is not entered. Kindly ensure that the claims are correct and appear in Form 26AS."

Step-6 Submit request and confirm 'OK' to the warning message.

Step-7 Confirmation email with Rectification request Receipt would be sent to registered email Id.

Step-8 Checking status for Rectification request.
Navigate to My Account > View e-Filed Returns/Forms > Rectification Returns in drop down menu > Submit.

Taxpayer has option to witdraw rectification request within 3 days after submittion, if some incorrect information has been submitted. It is given on the rectification status page.

Rectification Order U/S 154 is sent to tax payers through email as well as a hard copy delivered at their communication address after it is processed by income tax dept.

Do not panic, to see an email with subject line that reads as "Intimation U/S 154 for PAN ARTxxxxx1M AY:2017-18" . 

Tax demand/Refund is generated after the consideration of rectification as sent earlier.  Refund will get credited to your account however, if there is a tax demand than you need to pay it as advised.

October 31, 2017

Grab Contacts direct to a Google Contacts from any Web pages [Capture Addresses on a Web page].

In earlier days, we used to carry a pocket diary or phone book to maintain our contacts at all times with us. Perhaps, it was most convenient way to recording a contact very quickly. However, things have changed after the evolution of  personal computers. We are adapting to a too dynamic digital world and recording our routine task in electronic formats. Contacts management has significantly improved with advanced search filters available in spreadsheets applications. Cloud based IT services has made it even more simple with easy sharing across multiple devices and user groups. Online addressbook is now a standard feature integrated in most of the email service providers such as Hotmail, google, yahoo etc. In additional to better and efficient contact management, these serives are safe and secure. It is now possible to easy to synchronize contacts on multiple PCs and mobile devices and even possible to recover data incase of theft, loss of device or disk failure. Lets come back to the original topic for this blog about an effective way to 'capture contact details from any websites'.

Is there any way to [Directly save contact details from a webpage to Google Contacts] !! 
While exploring a business directory website, I needed to save some business contacts from landing pages to my google  address book. I started with the simplest way of doing it, with normal copy-paste operation for every parameter filed at a 'New contact' page.  Since these are repetitive steps and time consuming exercise to do it manually for every new contact entry. With a little time and effort, I was able able to find an immensely productive chrome extension 'Evercontact',  that has been specifically created to accomplish this task with additional bonus features.

What is so great about it :
Evercontact  intelligently analyse the contact details given in 'selected text' on a webpage and tags appropriate parameters to automatically create a New contact entry in linked google account. Users can even download  the captured contact information as a *.vcf file on local computer.

One more interesting thing to note,  is to creating a New Google contact directly from any open Tab or Window without even visiting the google account. 

After creating a google contact it even provides a 'direct navigation link to edit contact page' at google website. 

Let us see How to do it :
-  Search with a keyword [Evercontact] at Chrome Web Store.  Install the extension to google chrome. 
-'Sign in with your google account' to which you want to directly save the contact information captures from webpages or email signatures.
Figure-1_ Connect Google Account to Directly save captured contact information

Method -1_Recording a New Google Contact from any Open Tab or Window in Chrome
While responding to a live phone call, contact information is either digitally in a note-taking app or written on a physical paper. To avoid loosing it why not directly save it your Google account!!

If you have already linked your google account to it, Just click on the 'Evercontact Icon'  at the 
Figure-2_ Paste or Type in some Basic Contact details as shown.
Basic contact information(Figure_2) can be entered in any order. But below given syntax is helpful to correctly map [Job Title] and [Company] parameters to  the corresponding fields in google account.  Try any of them as given below, both are working fine.

[Company], [Job Title] - Work

Also, try this Option-2
[Job : Product Manager],
[Company : ABC Technical (P) Ltd.]

Rest of the contact information like email address, contact numbers, it can analyses automatically. Therefore, you don't care much about them.
Figure-3_ Save to gmail Contacts or On Local Computer.
Once it finish analysing the information, Hit  'Save to Gmail Contact' or 'Save on my Computer ' as desired option. 

Figure-4_ Edit saved contact in Google Contacts.
It provides a direct navigation to the google contacts webpage for further editing or further refinement to the captured contact information.

Figure-5_ Edit saved contact in Google Contacts.

Method -2_ 
To Save or Capture contact information directly from a Webpage to a Google account

It is even more simple than the previous method. Just select the text having contact details on any webpage and Hit 'Evercontact' icon given on the chrome toolbar.  

Figure-6_ Capture contact details directly from Webpages.
It will automatically analyses the information and tag it with respective parameters. As a bonus feature this chrome extension automatically scan all incoming email for signatures and add new contacts accordingly. By default, It attached a [Evercontact] label to easily filter the contacts added by this extension.

September 28, 2017

Clone Folders in Google Drive [Back-up Data to another Google Drive Account].

Do you ever wanted to duplicate a Folder Structure in Google drive !!
              or want to transfer all folders to an other account .

Although 'Make a copy' option is provided in context menu, to clone or duplicate single or multiple files at one in same folder as original. However, similar option is not provided to make a copy of folders with original files and  sub-folders structure.  It is essential feature currently missing in Google drive; more like a copy-paste command in windows explorer.

Depending on the file size, folder structure/hierarchy and limitations for manual renaming of 'copied' files, below given methods may be useful workarounds.

Use 'Make a Copy' Option 

This method has a limited application  in case, Folder does not have too much files  and no  sub-folders in it. As it involves manual renaming of all  'Copied' files to restore their original file names, It is too cumbersome.

Here's how to do it :

1. Share Folder <folder name>  in [Drive-A] to be copied to other google account [Drive-B].

2. Create a 'New folder' in [Drive-B] and name it  <folder name>.

3. Go to 'Shared with me' and open shared folder to select all files listed. Hit 'Make a Copy' given under right click context menu.
          [Note:  Notice the the owner of all copied files is [Drive-B].]

4. Use 'Move to ...' option to shift all copied content to  <folder name> created at Step-2.

5. Rename files to their original names manually by deleting the suffix 'copy of', if desired.

6. Revoke folder sharing as created in Step-1 to complete the whole process for folder cloning.

Using 'Backup and Sync' Desktop app by Google

I used this method to do the task for me for two main reasons. First, It is exactly same as a  'Copy & Paste' folder in traditional windows explorer. Other most important thing is that It preserves all original folder structure as well as filenames. Apart from that It safe, and secure way of doing that without using ant external script or Third-party apps. 

1. To start the process, download and Install latest version of 'Backup & Sync' by Google.

2. After install, start application and sign in with existing google account from which 'desired folder/s' has to be copied.

3. Continuous backup is required for this task. Therefore, uncheck the boxes on next screen.

4.  Change google drive sync folder, if needed > Select 'Sync only these folders'. 
          Otherwise all content in google drive would be sync to local folder and may have huge data cost.

5.  Select 'desired folder' with all sub-folders and hit Start.

6.  Wait for Backup and Sync to sync desired folder and structure to the local folder.

7.  Use normal 'Copy and Paste' context menu and Make a Duplicate folder in same drive. Wait for 'Users-Copy' to sync.

 8.  Desired folder is now copied to same Google Drive Account.

Make a Duplicate Folder or Move to other Google Drive Account 

 It is exact same upto Step-6,  Disconnect the source drive account as shown below. Now, Desired folder including all files and sub-folders are  sync'd in local hard disk. 

[Note : Another way of doing it may be, to download a zip file of 'desired folder' directly from web interface of Google drive account [A]. Then, unzip it in same folder location as step-6].

Now, Repeat the same from Step-2 to Step-4. Do not select any folder here in Step -5. Wait for the sync to complete and check the status at web interface of Google Drive [B].

Apart from the methods above, some third party apps do it more conveniently through Google Sheets Add-ons or custom scripts,  but It is better to be safe on  personal data security.