
December 29, 2017

NX Conversion of Units for Parts and assemblies ( Metric to Inches or Vice-versa)

NX has a command line interface (CLI) Utility program for unit conversion in part and assemblies. [ug_convert_part.exe] is available under %UGII_ROOT_DIR% folder that fullymeets all user intents to convert units for a single part, assembly or all part in a folder or sub-folders. There is no other way to do it through GUI. Although, it may be a bit tedious for some but not too complex or technical.

To start doiing it, just navigate to [NX Tools] folder path as shown and Run [Command Prompt].  It would directly change  directory to UGII root and you can simply type the command name.

Type, [ug_convert_part.exe]  and hit enter.  Syntax options are displayed  on screen just above the command  line.

Syntax for convestion from Metric [mm] to Inches [in] is highlighted in the image below. 

After conversion is done, you can check file properties in NX application.

Syntax for Unit conversion of complete assembly including child parts at once. Unit for all part in assembly will change to in/mm with a warning message for the parts that are already in same units.

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